IEEE Military Communications Conference
28 October – 1 November 2024 // Washington, DC, USA
C5I Technologies for Military and Intelligence Operations Today and Tomorrow

WS-11: Workshop on Terahertz Communications, Sensing and Security

WS-11: Workshop on Terahertz Communications, Sensing and Security


In the last decade, the field of sub-terahertz (0.1-0.3 THz) and terahertz (0.3-10 THz) band communication and sensing has drastically evolved. This technology has become a crucial element not only to address the needs of the forthcoming generation of communication systems, i.e., 6G and beyond, but also to provide unparalleled possibilities in developing physically secure networks. The properties of terahertz radiation (frequency, wavelength, and photon energy) have the potential to revolutionize defense communication and sensing applications. These include the ability to establish secure, high-speed data links to transmit critical information in remote and high-stress locations, all while providing unprecedented radar capabilities to detect and classify targets. However, efficient terahertz wireless requires overcoming several challenges, which include the development of compact, high-power, and energy-efficient transceivers and dynamic antenna systems; propagation and channel modeling in the near and far fields, and on the ground, in the air and in space; advanced waveform and wavefront designs, and implementing reliable MAC and network layer solutions.

The IEEE International Workshop on Terahertz Communications, Sensing, and Security will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) in Washington, DC, USA, on October 28, 2024. This interdisciplinary workshop invites researchers from various fields, including terahertz materials, devices, and packaging, as well as communication, signal processing, networking, sensing and security. 

