IEEE Military Communications Conference
28 October – 1 November 2024 // Washington, DC, USA
C5I Technologies for Military and Intelligence Operations Today and Tomorrow

Call for Restricted Technical Papers

MILCOM solicits restricted technical papers and panel submissions, up to Control Unclassified Information on current and emerging topics.  The restricted program will be limited to US-persons only.  The restricted session will be held at CUI. Attendance for the restricted session will require a DoD Security Clearance verified in DISS prior to arrival at the conference.

Topics of highest interest include:

  • Protected and resilient communications,
  • JADC2
  • Nuclear Command, Control & Communications (NC3)
  • DoD network architectures
  • Multi-level, multi-domain information systems
  • Future generation wireless technology
  • Space systems including commercial non-geo stationary systems, cyber systems, and multi-function systems/technology

All paper submissions should be written in English with draft papers up to six (6) printed pages in length, two-column, single-spaced with 10-point font on US Letter paper.  Final papers that exceed six (6) pages will be assessed a per-page over-length charge of $150/page, up to a maximum of eight (8) total pages. Standard IEEE Transactions template for Microsoft Word and LaTeX formats can be found at  Panel submission instructions will be provided.

Before submitting your manuscript, please email restricted program chairs for full submission instructions.

DO NOT EMAIL CUI or FOUO materials directly to the email alias

The papers follow IEEE policy and will have at least three qualified blind reviewers and will be judged against other submitted papers for applicability, etc.  Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and IEEE will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.

Restricted Program Questions?

Contact the MILCOM Restricted Program Team

Eric Hall, Ph.D., L3Harris Technologies
Amir Stephenson, Lockheed Martin

Important Dates

Restricted Paper Submission Deadline: 24 June 2024

Acceptance Notification: 22 July 2024 12 August 2024 [Extended]

Camera-Ready: 02 September 2024

