Featured Speakers
Dr. David A. Honey
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (DUSD(R&E))
Mung Chiang
President, Purdue University
Gilbert (Gil) V. Herrera
Director of Research Directorate, National Security Agency
Deirdre Hanford
Chief Executive Officer & Trustee, Natcast
Jon Pelson
Author, "Wireless Wars"
Mary Schurgot
U.S. Army C5ISR Center
Thomas Rondeau
Principal Director for FutureG, OUSD (R&E)
Douglas Kirkpatrick
President & CEO, Eridan
Steve Vogelsang
CTO, Nokia Federal Solutions
John Burke
Office of the Under Assistant Secretary of Defense For Research and Engineering/ Science and Technology
Richard Muller
Paul Stimers
Holland & Knight's Public Policy & Regulation Group
Honorable Alan R. Shaffer
Former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Dr. Robert G. Atkins
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Jay Lewis
National Semiconductor Technology Center
Sarah Leeper
Electronic Systems
Technical Programs
IEEE MILCOM 2024 will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including five technical tracks, workshops, a variety of technical panels and tutorials, for both unclassified technical program and restricted access technical program. The conference will also feature keynotes and plenary panels with prominent speakers from government, industry and research organizations, as well as vendor exhibition.
IEEE MILCOM 2024 technical program consists of rigorously peer-reviewed technical papers, selected tutorials, workshops, and technical panels on current and emerging topics applicable to all facets of military communications. We encourage professionals in industry, academia, and government worldwide to attend the in-person conference and have a rewarding and fruitful full conference experience. The general forum will be open to all and accepted technical papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. There will also be a Restricted Access Program to support Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) materials in the same venue, and a Classified Program available.