IEEE Military Communications Conference
28 October – 1 November 2024 // Washington, DC, USA
C5I Technologies for Military and Intelligence Operations Today and Tomorrow

Call for Panel Proposals

Submit Panel Proposals Now

MILCOM 2024 is soliciting unclassified technical panels. Topics sought include leading edge C5I technologies, military and coalition operations, C5I for intelligence activities, and commercial C5I for military use.

MILCOM has unclassified, restricted, and classified technical panels. Unclassified public access technical panels cannot contain classified, ITAR-sensitive, proprietary, or otherwise restricted information. Restricted access technical panels can have contents up to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Classified panels must follow the MILCOM classified program guidelines.

Please submit an unclassified, publicly releasable proposal of your panel using the proposal template below. Please note if your panel is for the restricted or classified program. A panel consists of an organizer, moderator, and three to five panelists. The organizer may choose to be one of the panelists or the moderator. The time allotted for a panel will be two hours.

Important Deadlines:

Technical Panel Submission – 15 July
Technical Panel Notification – 30 Aug

