IEEE Military Communications Conference
28 October – 1 November 2024 // Washington, DC, USA
C5I Technologies for Military and Intelligence Operations Today and Tomorrow

WS-02: Workshop on Digital Transformation of SATCOM

WS-02: Workshop on Digital Transformation of SATCOM

DIFI Consortium Workshop - Monday, October 28, 2024

Presentations are requested from users to discuss use cases, lessons learned, or detailed experiments executed using DIFI. Posters/demonstrations should offer technologies, applications, predictions, and viewpoints in the rapidly changing landscape of satellite technology. Demonstrations showing DIFI interoperability are of the highest interest.

Following the successful 2023 SATCOM Digital Transformation workshop, the DIFI consortium will host a full-day 2024 workshop focused on digitization and virtualization in SATCOM. Key to boosting  innovation, expanding scale, and reducing costs, digital transformation is vital to meet next-gen commercial and DoD SATCOM requirements. This transformation, based on the twin pillars of digitization and virtualization, streamlines modem designs via modularization and standardization, fostering common hardware use and innovative digital IF interfaces using the DIFI protocol. Such digitization and DIFI-standardized digital IF pave the way for virtualized SATCOM applications. These digitally upgraded ground networks allow new use cases, enhancing network and terminal flexibility and resilience.

The DIFI Consortium, an IEEE-ISTO standards organization, is developing a digital sample transport protocol called Digital IFInteroperability (DIFI), like our consortium name. One way to think about the DIFI protocol is that it enables software-definedarchitectures in SATCOM ground segments. Our commercial membership consists of SATCOM antenna, amplifier, andmodem vendors, in addition to large satellite network operators. Our government members include the US Navy, DoD CIO,Army PdM WESS, Army C5ISR, DISA, and the US Space Force. In total, there are more than 60 member companies andgovernment organizations involved in SATCOM.

The DIFI consortium has specific objectives for the workshop that will differ from a traditional conference. Since our audienceand topic are niche communities. Please look at our website to learn more about us.


